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Customer Spotlight: Lauren Palmer

No one understands the gift of time more than Lauren.

Customer Spotlight: Lauren Palmer – When Charlotte native, Lauren Palmer, and her family found out that their young son, Jennings, was diagnosed with a rare form of childhood leukemia, an entire community rushed to support them in any way they could. Whether it was through home-cooked meals, grocery delivery, babysitting services, or prayer, one of the most significant gifts they received was the gift of time.

Raising newborn twins who were born two weeks after her child’s diagnosis while striving to maintain a “normal” life for her then 4- year old daughter, all the while dedicating all of her “free” time at the hospital to be at Jennings’ side, there was never any time to focus on the day-to-day. A community of neighbors and community members collected a large sum in the form of a 2ULaundry gift card, and it was our privilege to match the amount to give Lauren and her family back the time they needed to focus on what mattered most.

Flash forward almost two years, the Palmers have recovered and Jennings has made it through a major bone marrow transplant where his older sister, Caroline, was his bone marrow donor. It’s the strength and support she found in that trying time, that has made her a nominee for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Woman of the Year.

We got to catch up with Lauren and talk about her family’s journey and understanding the gift of time through 2ULaundry.

How did you come to learn about 2ULaundry?

I was pregnant with boy-girl twins in the Fall of 2017, I already had a 4-year old daughter and a 2-year old son. When you’re pregnant with twins, you get more uncomfortable a lot faster, and I was physically so tired all the time. A friend of mine (and 2U customer) told me about you guys and I started using 2ULaundry once a week as I prepared to welcome the twins.

Lauren Palmer kids

‍What was the moment when everything changed?

‍On December 4, 2017, we found out our 2-year old son, Jennings, was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of childhood leukemia. That event started the period of time when 2U became such a godsend for my family. We have an amazing preschool community that just wanted to help, and one of the ways they wanted to help was through 2ULaundry!

Do you remember how you felt when you received the 2ULaundry gift card?

I can’t really articulate what a gift it was during that time. I was trying to care for a critically ill child but also raise twins, and try to keep my 4-year old daughter’s life somewhat normal. Being able to be freed up from laundry gave me the time I needed to focus on my family. We will be 2ULaundry customers for life.

What does this LLS Woman of the Year campaign mean to you?

It means a great deal to us personally, because we have lived the nightmare of dealing with pediatric blood cancer. This campaign is our way of giving back big as a family and helping the next generation of children diagnosed with blood cancer. I am so thrilled to have 2U’s support in this endeavor.

How would you tell other people about 2U?

Even if you can’t use the service, gift it. Whether it’s for a new mom or someone in a time of crisis, give them the gift of 2ULaundry. When people are in crisis, they don’t need stuff, they often need support with their day-to-day. This is a great way to do that.

What are some goals your family has this year outside of the LLS campaign?

We are excited just to be a normal family and enjoy family time together like beach trips and camping and even routine things like school, which were taken from us when Jennings was sick. We are just thankful to a normal family with a healthy child.

Lauren Palmer has been nominated for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year. Without help from 2U, her church community, and fellow 2U customer Jenny Helms, Lauren, and her family wouldn’t have been able to make it through such a difficult time.

To support Lauren and her efforts to ensure that all children get their survivor story, please help us in supporting her efforts by making a donation to her campaign for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society here.